
Grreen Skills Program - 6 weeks

A pioneering 6-week program for global youth from all educational backgrounds that equips them with global citizenship, green life skills and climate & sustainability education.

Duration : 4 weeks     Max Size : 100     Destination : London, Nairobi, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Manaus-Brazil, Maldives, Hong Kong  

Category : Green Skills     Recommended For : Youth

Subject :  


Course Overview:

Conventional Climate Education often frames the climate crisis as a technical challenge, limiting its scope to short-term, occupation-specific green jobs. Yet, the imperative of building a sustainable green future for humanity demands that we go beyond imparting specific green skills to a select few. It requires that we equip every learner worldwide with the foundations of sustainable development, planetary consciousness, and a justice-oriented worldview. It also requires that such education is universally accessible, transcending barriers of educational background, geography, gender, or race. 

This pioneering live-streamed, virtual ‘world travel-inspired’ program shapes learners to first become true global citizens as they virtually visit different countries, meet with diverse cultures and make connections beyond borders. Next, it helps learners gain the green life-skills required to drive transformational changes. The Climate and Sustainability awareness segment takes students to countries around the world to witness the impact of climate change in real time, and learn about best practices in sustainability leading to climate action. 

This 6-week program aims to build a new generation of Planetary Citizens equipped with with the specific, generic and transformative capacities needed to create a socially, economically and environmentally just society that cares for the human and non human world. (Green Skills Framework - Kwauk & Casey, 2021).

Course Modules:

Module 1: Global Citizenship

  • Travel to different countries on live-streamed sessions to develop global awareness and an appreciation of the rich cultural, religious and linguistic diversity across the world.
  • Foster an understanding of our interconnectedness beyond cultural and geographical boundaries.
  • Build meaningful connections with others around the world.
Module 2: Green Life Skills

  • Develop awareness of personal strengths, sense of agency and self-worth.
  • Build soft skills including critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication and collaboration.
  • Learn strategies for managing emotions, building resilience and handling conflicts.
  • Self reflection and positive thinking.
Module 3: Climate & Sustainability Education

  • Travel to countries around the world in real time on live, virtual tours to witness the impact of climate change and best practices in sustainability.
  • Gain awareness of key sectors that contribute to climate change.
  • Gain an understanding of global social inequality and climate injustice.

Module 4 : Specific Green Skills elective & Work experience

  • Learners can choose from a number of specific green skills options including Nature conservation, climate advocacy, climate-smart agriculture, sustainable fashion, eco-tourism, heat resilience.
  • Apply learnings from previous modules to develop a local community-based sustainability project.
  • Collaborate in groups, conduct research and develop solutions.
  • Present the project to students from other countries participating in the Planetary Citizens Program.

Course Completion Certificates: Mission 4.7,  Globe From Home

Your Presenter

  Globe From Home Team

This program is organised by Globe From Home.

How it works

This program is designed for youth (aged 15-24) from all educational backgrounds (formal, informal and non formal). The courses are run as cohorts with limited number of seats. Please contact Globe From Home for details of next batches.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact Globe From Home.

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