
Daily life and culture in Serbia

Visit the Bohemian Quarters of Belgrade and learn about local life and culture.

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : Serbia  

Category : Global Cultures     Recommended For : Schools

Subject :  


The Bohemian Quarters in Serbia’s capital city of Belgrade, is in the heart of the city and is often compared to the Montmartre area of Paris. With musicians, artists, painters, singers and other live performers showcasing their talents through the streets, the Bohemian Quarter is one of the most vibrant areas in Belgrade and undoubtedly among the top tourist attractions of Belgrade. Join us for a merry session of art, music and culture, as we go on a stroll through the streets of the Bohemian Quarter.

The Serbian region referred to taverns or pubs as ‘kafana’ which roughly translated to coffeehouse, although they served much more than coffee. Around 1901, when one of the most popular ones of Belgrade, the Dardanelli Kafana, was destroyed, it left philosophers, thinkers, actors, filmmakers, poets, muscians and dancers without a place to discuss and share their works. A hatmaker’s house (which eventually became the famous Tri Sesira or Three Hats) and Dva Jelena Restaurant (Two Deer) on Skadarlija Street were among the first few avenues that these intellectuals and performers chose to simply sit down, chat or showcase their talents, while downing a drink or two. Eventually, a Bohemian culture grew in the area with street art, poetry and live performers becoming ever so popular, making it known as the Bohemian Quarters of Belgrade. At more than a 100 years old, some of these restaurants and pubs exist just as they did a century ago, still fervently promoting local talent.

Our knowledgeable local expert gives you an insight into the lively Bohemian culture that emanates from the area as we walk along Skadarlija Street. She is bound to bring your notice to Belgrade’s first brewery opened in mid-19th century, a red Zastava 750L parked at the entrance of a restaurant as well as some of the popular eateries of the area. We even enter a few of them and learn some interesting stories about them involving some of their most important guests (including celebrities and leaders of nations) and the nearly-concealed luxurious dining halls used to offer feasts to them.

The Bohemian Quarters of Belgrade has a fantastic mix of restaurants, pubs, souvenir shops, an art gallery and collector’s items stores. And if you have a question or two about some of the famous Serbs of our time, like Nikolas Tesla or Nova Djokovic, our host will be glad to indulge you. A small group of people will certainly enjoy experiencing this spirited side of Belgrade, and will be left raving for more.

Your Presenter

  Tanja Krkovic

Born and raised in Belgrade as a twin sister, Tanja completed her schooling across Belgrade, Greece and Cyprus, before studying agriculture and tourism at the university in Belgrade. Today, she is happily married with two teenage sons.

She always dreamt about traveling, exploring different corners of the earth and meeting new people and new friends, and that was her inspiration to become a guide in 1999. She started with different local programs provided by the Tourist organizations of Serbia and Belgrade for foreign tourists. This was the period when she discovered that presenting her own country, city, culture, history, gastronomy and traditions to foreign guests was something that she really enjoyed and eventually it become her passion. So from 1999 she took part in various programs and projects, and gave hundreds of tours and lectures about Serbia to the travellers from all around the world.

How it works

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What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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